C is a general-purpose programming language for computers. Dennis Ritchie devised it in the 1970s, and it is still extensively used and influential today. By design, C's capabilities precisely reflect those of the targeted CPUs. It has found enduring use in operating systems, device drivers, and protocol frameworks, etc. From the largest supercomputers to the smallest microcontrollers and embedded systems, C is frequently used on computer architectures.
C, created by Ritchie in 1972 and 1973 at Bell Labs as a replacement to the programming language B, is used mostly for developing Unix system utilities. It was used to create a new version of the Unix operating system's kernel. C's rise to prominence began in the 1980s. The availability of C compilers for almost all contemporary computer architectures and operating systems has contributed to the language's meteoric rise to the top of the programming language popularity charts.
What kind of Knowledge you will acquire
1. Classifications of Programming Language
2. Usage of Tokens and Data types
3. Significance of Conditional statements
4. Perform various mathematical operations from Basic to Advanced
5. To solve Matrices problems
The Requirements
Since C is a basic programming language, there are no prerequisites required
2 Subjects
85 Learning Materials
49 Learning Materials
131 Courses • 1178080 Students
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